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Find out more about the Licensing SAVI assessment

How does the Licensing SAVI process work?

Licensing SAVI will guide you through an exploration of your licensed premises’ existing policies, procedures and physical security by asking a series of multiple-choice, in-depth, questions.  It will indicate areas where you are strong and where there may be room for improvement, it may even feature areas you have not previously considered.

A personalised report is generated upon completion of the questionnaire. This report provides clear recommendations and advice to assist you in honouring your responsibilities under the Licensing Act 2003, while keeping your staff and customers safer and more secure.

The recommendations within the final report provide consistent guidance and benchmarks which are drawn from the Home Office, Police Service (including the National Counter Terrorism Security Office), Local Authorities, Fire and Rescue Service, Health and Safety Executive and the Security Industry Authority.

The report includes several new and improved security standards, which have been developed to address emerging criminal activity, such as women's safety and spiking.

By evaluating and grading your responses to each question you will be given advice to where improvements can be made.

A final grading will be given in the form of a rating system from 1-5 Stars (with 5 Stars being the highest).

  • Your access to Licensing SAVI licence lasts the time taken to complete the self-assessment, plus 12 months once accredited
  • During the self-assessment you can make improvements to increase your rating
  • Having reached a rating which you are satisfied with, you can apply for the Licensing SAVI Accreditation

The information contained in your Self-Assessment remains confidential to you, unless you decide to share it with third parties, such as Responsible Authorities or companies you commission to help you improve your business.


Further information

Visit out Advice Hub for blogs covering a range of topics relating to licensed venues.

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Your Licensing SAVI Report

Whether you are an experienced operator or just starting out, an architect, a licensing consultant or legal advisor, you should benefit from the advice and recommendations within the report. 

The report will provide feedback, advice and recommendations in the four categories below:

  • The security of you, your staff and your patrons
  • How you run your business
  • Managing risk
  • The security of your building, contents and outside space


Further information

Visit out Advice Hub for blogs covering a range of topics relating to licensed venues.

Get free downloadable resources for your venue.

Assessment Process

Step 1 Starting off:

  • Register online for your Self-Assessment, which comes with a one-year Licensing SAVI licence
  • Make payment using our online payment system. The fee payable is £100 for self-assessment and then a further 12 months Accreditation for a single site.  All fees are plus VAT at the standard rate

Step 2 Progressing your Self-Assessment:

  • Complete the Self-Assessment 
  • Utilise the convenient ‘save and continue’ format, which allows you to dip into the Self-Assessment as many times as you like until it is complete
  • You are able to upload supporting documents, such as a copy of your Age Verification Policy as you progress through the assessment.  The supporting documents will be required before you apply for Accreditation

Step 3 Having completed your Self-Assessment:

  • A report will be generated when the self-assessment is completed, and awards you a star rating for each response you have provided, plus an overall Star Rating
  • A detailed and confidential report will provide you with suggested practical measures to enhance your rating which you may wish to consider
  • Where appropriate, the report will also direct you to some external links to trusted sites that provide industry agreed best practice advice and information
  • You can use the Self-Assessment to identify where you can further improve and develop your business at any time during your one-year Licensing SAVI licence period
  • You can choose to share the report with third-parties, such as Responsible Authorities or companies you commission to help you improve your business
  • Should any of your responses indicate that one or more of your practices or policies is unlawful, it will be clearly flagged as a ‘Critical Point’ (CP).  A red ‘warning’ box will be displayed. Critical Points must be addressed as a matter of urgency  **No overall star rating will be provided until all Critical Points have been removed** 

  • If you choose to do so, and you have reached a star rating that you are satisfied with, you can submit your Self-Assessment for Accreditation and Star Rating Award. The responses you have submitted in support of your application will be locked and cannot be amended, other than if returned for amendment by a verifier.


Further information

Visit out Advice Hub for blogs covering a range of topics relating to licensed venues.

Get free downloadable resources for your venue.

Accreditation and Star Rating

  • Accreditation is part of the Licensing SAVI licence package, so there is no additional cost to apply for Accreditation
  • Your application for the Licensing SAVI Accreditation and Star Rating must be accompanied by uploaded supporting documentation
  • For you to be awarded the Accreditation, you will submit your Self-Assessment to Licensing SAVI for verification and also select your relevant Police and Local Authority area, who will verify your responses if locally they have decided to be part of the verification process. This may include an arranged visit to your venue to discuss the responses before confirming your Licensing SAVI Accreditation
  • Once your Self-Assessment has been evaluated and verified you will receive an Accreditation certificate and an official Star Rating Award logo which can be displayed at your premises.


Further information

Visit out Advice Hub for blogs covering a range of topics relating to licensed venues.

Get free downloadable resources for your venue.

Topics covered by assessment

  • Evacuation procedure in the event of an emergency, such as a fire or violent incident
  • Accepted standards for CCTV systems
  • The use of strategically placed mirrors to increase opportunities for surveillance of customers
  • Dedicated areas for: personal searches, medical treatment, or place of safety for vulnerable customers
  • Pre-determining exit routes for use in an emergency
  • Staff induction and training 
  • Your responsibilities when employing Security Industry Authority staff
  • Your responsibilities with regard to the sale of alcohol in your premises
  • Forms of ID you and your staff should accept when selling alcohol
  • Measures used to keep your staff and customers safe
  • Vetting prospective employees and checking their right to work in the UK   
  • Protecting your high value stock
  • Steps to protect your business against cyber crime
  • Identifying and safeguarding vulnerable people

Further information

Visit out Advice Hub for blogs covering a range of topics relating to licensed venues.

Get free downloadable resources for your venue.

How much does Licensing SAVI cost?

The cost of Licensing SAVI is based on a competitively priced fee of £120, for all new and renewal assessments from April 2024.
The fee is for self-assessment, plus subsequent 12 months’ Accreditation for a single site

All fees are plus VAT at the standard rate.  


Further information

Visit out Advice Hub for blogs covering a range of topics relating to licensed venues.

Get free downloadable resources for your venue.